Cosmetic Dentistry Can Improve Your Smile

Cosmetic dentistry focuses on the appearance of your teeth, smile and entire mouth area.  Typical work done is fairly simple, however, others may be a bit more  involved and complex. A few of the most popular cosmetic procedures performed are teeth whitening, dental implants, veneers and inlays.

Types of Cosmetic Dentistry

Inlays are one of the most popular and commonly used cosmetic procedure.  When the patient has a mild to moderate amount of decay, the best course of action is usually inlays. Best of all, they are simple to use. In most cases they are applied directly to the surface of the tooth and provide improvement almost immediately.

Cosmetic dentistry makes use of veneers for improving oral health.  Some of the more common problems veneers help improve include crooked teeth and damaged enamel.  The procedure is quite simple, with the dentist applying a veneer to the front of each tooth using an adhesive. The treatment involves very little in the way of discomfort.

Teeth whitening is one of the most common and basic cosmetic procedures and can usually be performed in one visit at your dentist’s office. The dentist will apply a protective gel to your gums. A specially made bleach for whitening is then applied to all tooth surfaces. There are many different types of special teeth whitening toothpastes your dentist can recommend to use at home after the office procedure to keep your teeth looking white and clean for as long as possible before having another treatment.

If you have a missing tooth, dental implants are necessary.  The tooth that needs replacement will have a titanium screw placed in the jawbone. This gives the required support for the crown.  Following treatment, it is extremely important for patients to be extra vigilant with their hygiene to prevent infection.

Dental offices use cosmetic dentistry to improve oral health and appearance of their patients. If you have any questions regarding  procedures or treatments, please give the office of Dr. Romanelli in Algonquin a call at 847-458-7122.